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Hi Guys, Long time we did not post somethin.

Unfortunately at the moment the situation is not a happy one.

All over the world with the spread of this malicious virus our work stopped and all productions postponed until the situation gets better.

We take this opportunity to wish all our fellow mates all over the world wherever they are the most exceptional health for them and there loved ones.

Here in Malta the situation is not on Red Alert but prevention is better for everyone.

Keep safe and if there is no reason to go out just stay at home.

For most of you this could be the moment to recover the time lost with your loved ones......use it before you loose it!!!!

Hope that the situation gets better and we start having our normal life back.

Hope to see some of you back on this small rocky island.

Until then have fun and keep away from this invisible enemy by taking all precautions.

A big hug to you all from MALTA!!8)8):D:):)

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